Clean Air Anywhere in Any Form
Our Story
A fire in a Ngau Tau Kok mini-storage facility in 2016 caused many casualties and wrapped the neighbourhood in a cloud of polluted air for a long period, putting residents under a lot of stress. Mui (CEO) and Anthony (CTO) were planning their startup at the time, and thought they could integrate an air solution to benefit not only the residents affected by the fire, but also families and office workers who had suffered from pollution and deserved to have cleaner air around them.
ASA was thus born. It qualified for the HKSTP-PolyU Tech Incubation Fund, jointly set up by HKSTP and the Hong Kong Polytechnic University, and established its base at Science Park. Since then, ASA has gained recognition in various major startup awards in Hong Kong and won The Alibaba Best JUMPSTARTER award and the Most Favorite JUMPSTARTER award, and the Global Winner of Peninsula Hotel Kaleidoscope Lab award.
Photo credit: Wikipedia